The Adventist Youth Ministries Curriculum was divided into two areas: the Junior Youth and the Senior Youth. The Junior Youth focuses on training the young and developing individuals. They are those who still needs guidance, care and constant supervision because they can't still survive on their own. The Senior Youth focuses on training those individual who already knows how to guide and influence their fellow youth. They are those individuals who already have the clear understanding of the world around them.

The Junior Youth


In this website, we will be focusing on the Junior Youth since we are in a High School setting.
The same with the Senior Youth, the Junior Youth is also a series of training to shape the different aspects of the individual and to make him/her more efficient in serving others while bringing the Gospel of Christ.
The picture with the pink background shows the different levels of training in the area of the Junior Youth👉.
We have the Adventurers, Pathfinders, Master Guide, Pathfinder Leadership Award (PLA),and the Advanced Pathfinder Leadership Award (APLA) or the Pathfinder Instructor Award (PIA). However, in the recent curriculum of the General Conference Youth Department, the PLA and the APLA was replaced with Club Ministries Training (CMT).


Master Guide Logo


Master Guide Logo

The Master Guide is the expert, the advisor, the promoter for Adventurers and Pathfinders. As such, MG is NOT a Pathfinder program, it is a Youth Ministry Leadership Program.


MG Advanced
CSS & HTML by MLP Design
MMA Master Guide Website is created by: MG Bernabe J. Apare (MMA Master Guide Program In-charge, SY: 2022-Present)